1. Not being able to breath. I once had an allergic reaction to penecillin, my airways and tongue swelled up and i couldn't breath. I have never been so scaried in my life and i'm worried of that happening again.
2. Losing the people i love, like them dieing and me being all alone.
3. Swimming where the water is so deep that i can't feel or see the bottom. ( this only applies outside:))
4. Sharks

Erenda most people will look at people who they feel look, act or are different from them selves for a varity of reasons, like fear, jelousy, curosity´and who knows what else. Some even belive that what you see on the outside is what the person is like on the inside.
When i was your age ( i can't believe i'm old enough (28) to say when i was your age!), i had a friend that a lot of people avoided becuase of how she looked. She had black, purple and blond hair in a mohawk. She was wearing black or dark colored clothes, had a lot of piercings and makeup. She also cut herself on her arms and legs with a razor. The way you discribe your look and your personality remind me somewhat of her.
She was and still is one of the kindest, sweetest people i have ever met. But most people would judge her by how she looked and so they never got to know what a sweet person she was. Through her i met a lot of people who's looks scared off people and learned that usually the people who look different are more accepting and tolerant of others, than those who look like people do most.
"Hey do you want to see something really freak?" I would have told them, hey want me to get you a mirror?