Wait wait wait!!!! don'tforget me!
I pretty much only use
Posette, not only for rendering but I pretty much only modle for her too. The quiver i made has a morph to fit a whole bunch of diffrent figures but I think that's the only thing i've done that wasn't made for
From wat i've seen if you post a freebie it will get snatched up quick. I looked at doing some comercial stuff and asked a lot of the same questions. In the end i found it wasn't woorth while to me to do commercial stuff for
Posette. NOTICE: I said TO ME. There are reasons for that and most of them simply boil down to time. I don't have enough of it to devote to production, advirtising, and support of commercial products.I even tend to dissapear for long periods of time.
1) while a lot of people still use her there is also a LOT offree stuff for her. People tend not to buy a product if they can find something similar for free. (makes sense to me)
2) I really don't have time to provide the support for a commerical product.
3) When the mil figures came out almost nothing was free for them .. So people got used to buying stuff for them and the commercial modlers made sure it stayed that way by continuing to keep most mill figuer stuff commercial.
4) so many people throw so much general 'junk' in commercial products that commercial stuff is starting to get a REALLY bad rap. There are posts all overthe net complaining about how everyone who figures out how to use the brightness/contrast, hue/saturation, and colour balance functions in
photoshop releases a "texture set" commercial package. There are some good commercial products out there don't get me wrong. but theres a lot of junk and just colour tweeked stuff too.
So i decided i was going to do free stuff for
Posette and do it so well i put the commercial 'junk makers' to shame. That was just my stance on it though.
Doing a commercial product amy work out for you. ESPECIALLY if it's something new and there isn't a freebie that does something similar.