I'd recomend you my personal experience: I Started with anim8or, is a great program to start lerning 3D modeling, as Thilda sayed I don't think it suitable for modeling clothes, but doing your first props is a great begining, you won't start modeling a Maria Antonieta 18 century dress for begining
(I tryed
When I feeled confortable with anim8or I moved to Wings3D, and that is a great simple and free modeler, the inteface is quite diferent to anim8or, actually is diferent to most others modeler, I didn't find a lot of tutorials for this one, and most I learned was experimenting, but don't fear this, experimenting in wings is a pleasure because once you get the basics it become very intuitive.
After wings I moved to
Blender is a particular Program, at first glance it looks terrible complex and complicated, and the true is it is
but once you get it you'll see everything in
Blender is optimized for fast and productive work, I'v found a loooot of tutorials for this program, (note that I don't call
Blender a modeler, because is much, much more than that), the most useful are video tutorials, that I absolutally like, of all free 3D programs I think
Blender is the most powerfull with a Great community developing it and enhancing it, the tools that have are awesome, with
Blender you can Model using subdivision (subsurface in
Blender lenguage) and you can lower it or increase wile you model and then set it when you are satisfy, you can use mirror modeling, and a lot more very powerful tools; you can unwrap UV very in an easy way and very acurate, you can sculpt like in Zbrush, and you can 3D paint like in Deep Paint 3D, not to mention animate, and render with it's internal renderer using very advanced material shading tools,or with the great yafray renderer adon or with others via exporting, even powerful node system, and then once your render is finished you can make the composition for the final picture using again a powerful and intuitive node system;
Blender is an incredibly powerful free tool (open source, so if you are advanced in programing you can modify it at your liking) a jewel for
Poser users, you have many comercial programs in a free one, just need some patient to learn it, but the efort really will pay with great results.
By the way my next
Blender Tutorial will be about modeling dynamic clothes, just give me some time to fix my windows instalation, but as I feel confortable in Linux I'm too lazy to do all back up and reinstalation
just give me some time