Using clothing props to conform.
I started out with
some conforming clothes from V4: sports bra, boy shorts and sneakers.
I was going to make them conforming to
Posette using WW
But what I found out was I didn't need to.
Here's how you do it.
First take your character clothes (this only works with clothing
that conform to one part of the body.
I tried it out on some dresses, doesn't work to good.)
ex: bras, tops, shorts, mini skirt, underwear and foot wear.
size it to your figure using the dails and morphs...not just the body but go through
the other parts as well.
And for god sakes don't conform it.
(you'll have to start over again.)
once you've got it to where you like it export it to an .obj file
You'll see
exporting file options I just left it the way it was.
And then a heir file - mark only what you want to export
The Body of the clothing for ex: I took a minidress and all I needed
to mark was the body, chest and ab. (I left the rest cause I wanted the top part)
And for a shoe ex: if you load a pair a shoes you don't want both right and left shoe
for the right foot so mark the box Body, R_shin, R_foot, R_toe for exporting the R_shoe .obj
Big Note: And make sure the Universe is marked.
and then save .obj in whatever folder
Importing your new .obj file
unmark all the boxes in the importing options and it should just drop into place
with Textures and all.
delete confroming clothes (don't need them anymore)
double click on .obj and set parent to hip for any hip huggers and to chest for tops
make sure you mark the box that's says bend to parent.
For foot wear set to foot R or L and then lock the foot (of
Posette) before posing.
For foot wear like cowboy boots that are taller set to R or L toe, still lock foot.
Note for sizing shoes:
When sizing the foot wear I set
Posette's feet at a bend of 0 to 8,
for heels you might want a little more.
also use heir editor to make R or L shoe invisible when sizing the other.
when they come in pairs ofcoarse.
Save to prop:
when saving it should say save as a smart prop (yes).
Taking clothing from prop files
it might not look as good as it did when you first used it.
no worries just double click on clothing prop and set to bend to parent again.
I hope this helps someone!
I hate conforming shoes and that they come in pairs. Why?