Okay, so I previously joked about making this thread, may as well now i have another difficulty.
Since DAZ made thier base money makers free, I decided to revisit some of my older figures from a few months ago and update them, Vicki style. But I've come across a problem
I've tried using Insomniawork's genital for Victoria 3. Piece of in my humble opinion. Tho I will mention that the morph that molds the genital area to accept the prop attatchment does make for a nice look. First part of our problem is that this morph is for some reason an unlisted morph and the thing did not come with a removal pose to delete it.
How this becomes a problem is stacking more morphs onto the hip for muscular definement and such and I'm left with either a bunch of morphs that I need to keep track of, or I condense them down to one morph. Which brings us to the next part of the problem. Cause that genital morph is hidden, i can't zero value it and it stacks with my condensed morph and starts looking rather strange.
Why don't I use Morph Manager? Funny you should ask
Morph Manager lists not only the morphs i have Injected on Vicky, but also every other morph that I have available for her in my Poser library whether they're injected or not. And here's the road block for me, attempting to remove a morph from either the cr2 or pz3 causes my morph manager to crash.
Is morph manager not compatible with Victoria 3? Is there a way i can unhide the genital morph so I can at least zero it out?