Hey there!
I have begun production of the 7nd episode of "Whaiznamez 50- A celebration of Creative Thinking".
The theme for this episode hasn't been decided, yet; but, it would be kind of nice if the creative minds that frequent Posette Forever became the main focus/ theme.
You ALL are invited to join me in this year long celebration!
To contribute, submit any, or all of the following:
1.) a short (5-10 seconds) segue, stating: "Hi my name is____ and you're watching Whaziznamez fifty." {feel free to personalize the line to express yourself. Languages other than English are welcomed.}
2.) A short favorite story about you & whazizname.
3.)A short example of your creativity/ creative thinking. {video, mp3, txt, jpg, url, ... }
{Some people have expressed reluctance to appear on tv/ internet; so I offered them the option of not appearing, by using sock puppets, paper dolls, shadows, etc... I certainly understand that not everyone likes to be seen in the "public eye"; but I don't think that is a reason not to share your thoughts & talents...}
I plan to complete episode 7 by the end of February; but future shows are in the works. {furture themes include Poser, Family, Wisconsin, Autos/Wheels, Internet, and others...} (If you have a theme preference, include it with your submission.)
This series will contain "Adult Materials". It will air after 10:30 CDT on MATA Community Media channel 96, on Warner cable in Milwaukee, WI. The shows will then be posted to the Internet {most likely YouTube...} for worldwide viewing. If you do not want to be included in "potentially Offensive" programming, or do not want to be aired on public access cable, or do not want to be posted to YouTube; include that wish with your submission, I'm sure that we can work out something to make us both happy. I've already aired one episode that did not contain any "potentially offensive content". (as requested by a contributor)
This series will continue production through July 2012.
Feel free to contact me using your preferred method.
Take care until next time...