Ok, surfing the forums and I see this topic. Very interesting, shame no one's posted to it since '03!
So, source of my usename. Yeah, you're probably thinking "pfff... pokemon..."
Well, isn't that cute.... BUT IT'S WRONG!!! ((lil 2 stupid dogs reference there :P ))
This name actually came to me recently from playing Left 4 Dead... which incidentally is where I met my current gf. Who knew the power of a Zombie Apocalypse could have on love!
SO. I changed my Steam identity from another to Lickitung due to the fact that when I first started L4D, I sucked. It had been forever since I played a first person shooter and L4D has a learning curve despite it's simple play mechanics. Add to the fact I'm introducing myself to a normally anti-social and condescending community (gamers), I had quickly garnered the anti-newb treatment of getting booted from public games almost as soon as I entered, simply cause someone didn't like my skill level. But I got better!
My favorite character to play as is the Smoker and I've pulled off some amazing sniper/ninja stuff with a zombie that normally moves slow and awkwardly and is extremely weak offensively. One of my best was a mid-air snatch against a person that was commiting suicide simply to deny my team the chance to play as the infected. The person jumped out into a elevator shaft where I was camped, planning to snatch one with my tongue and drag him off into the elevator shaft anyways. The guy dangled there in the middle of the shaft for a good 2minutes like a pinata while the smoker's tongue hold slowly killed him.
I began to start saying "Fear the tongue!!" as I was getting to be someone hated playing against as a Smoker, because of my skill >:3
So I wanted to change the name and after various tongue themed names came and went, "Lickitung" held and I've even gone further with some Pokemon/L4D hybrid pics!!
My Steam Profile pic!
My in-game 'graffiti Spray' modded off an image from Deviant art. A Smoker's tongue snatching Zoey in a rather unorthodox way...