Sometimes, the utterly obvious takes a bit longer to dawn. ( AKA, 'I'm getting old...')
I knew just enough about 'spawning morph targets' from within Poser to shun them.
Then ~0330 local, I woke, saying, 'mumble, mumble, Load external morph target ??'
Quick hunt found,
Yes. I could use my PMX-ported door as the base, the wide-morphed version as Poser's morph target.
Couple of 'gotchas':
Remember PMX Editor mirrors OBJ at export.
Loading morph target's menu lurks under 'Object', between 'figure' and 'display'.
There's no Poser import scaling option for the morph target, so you must export both door and target from PMX Editor at same scale.
Here, Poser wanted ~3.5% original scale, so I set PMX Editor export scale as 0.035, loaded the door at 100% original...
And there's a morph dial to swing the door !!
Is there an easy way to set morph limits ?? Yes !! Click on arrow to right of dial's 'value', settings, set min-limit 0, max-limit eg 1.5.
Who'd have thought ??