Oh yes, Ozy explained it well... You earn candies posting in all forum except this one, you earn a quantity of candies for each new post, each reply, reply to your post and number of words in the message, I posted a table in which you can see the amount of candies you earn for all events.
When you go to the games room you can see how many candies costs a game (for example Pacman costs 10 candies), if you have 10 candies you can play the game.... Roulette and poker are the most expensive (500 and 1000 candies) so I think that an user who is here for only am little time can't play them... And I've donated all my candies... And Don Vito Corleone took the rest of them for a bribe
You can earn beers in Deviant Viking's forum and
tuna tarts in the Guiltypleasures one. Her you can't see your amount of candies, beer and tarts under your avatar because in this specific forum you can't earn anything, but you can see all your amount of goodies in your control panel page.
Actually I'm working on the use of beers and
tuna tarts, you'll see in the next future.
You have not to buy a subscription :? You don't have to pay anything in Posetteforever, no subscription, no store, no banners, no spam... Only poor'ol Tormentor's bus driver wages
for your fun...