How we found and came to be at Posetteforever.

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Post How we found and came to be at Posetteforever.

#1  pangor 23 Aug 2005 02:29

I thought it would be fun to share the many ways that we first found this site and what lead us to want to be here.

I will go first:

As you many know, I had been away from computer art for some years.  When I returned last year, I started following the binary newsgroups were 3D artworks are posted.  My ISP's news server is not very good for those newsgroups.  I saw articles posted as replies to the posting by someone named Tormentor.  I did not get to see the picture and only fragments of its description in the form of quoted text.  Those fragments got me very curious to see the picture and read the complete description.

Latter I saw some more replies to other artworks by Tormentor, again I didn't see the the inital posts of those threads.  The replies and the quoted fragments intriqued me even more.  Then I got lucky!  I don't remember at the moment if it was from the first initial posting by Tormentor that was did see, or if it was in one of the quoted blocks, but I saw the address for Posetteforever.  So, I came here and saw that it was more than a personal gallery website.  I looked around a little and registered.

The registeration process did not go smoothly.  The account activation email did not arrive.  I had read a news posting on the portal page mentioning slowness, so I thought that was the reason.  I waited, for about a week I waited for the activation email, but it never came.  I have had registeration problems at another rather large site before and so I had not expected much in any help.

One night, I sent an email to Tormentor explaining my situation and provided all the information that I thought was needed to prove my identity in relations to this account.  I asked him if he could either have the system send me a new copy of the activiation email, or if he could delete my account so that I could try registering again.  I didn't expect aid or a reply for a long while or ever.  I went to bed for the night.

Next morning I found Tormentor's reply waiting for me in my mailbox on my workstation's harddrive.  In that message he told me that he had activated my account and it was ready for me to log in.   This was not what I was expecting at all, I was very happy and quite impressed.

As you can see from my account profile, that was in November of 2004.  I sent Tormentor by thanks and began to lurk and leach.  For reasons that are not important here, I had been in lurker mode for several years.  It was hard to start to again speak in public articles such as this message.  With much help from what I found here and for a while at one other site, I found almost found the courage to post a message.  But I felt that I would have no credibility until I had something to offer, that being a picture in the gallery.

I had been working on a picture starting at the end of Novemeber beginnig of December.  Once I had it ready at the very end of December, I took the foudn the courage to speak up here in a public forum.  Actually I believe that first statement I posted was a comment in the gallery.  A couple of day latter I uploaded the picture "After the Evening" and started talking here on a regular basis.  Now I can't seem to shut up!  



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#2  Tormie 23 Aug 2005 10:11


Now I can't seem to shut up!

How I found and came to Posetteforever is obvious, I was here because I installed the site   ... Trying to avoid my nonsenses I'll explain my mood in that period.

You should already have known that I don't like too much the commercial aspect of the 3d art, I can stand a limited use of banners and commercial in the forums, but after this I get pissed and leave the place. I began to learn about Poser at Poserpros, I came there searching for freebies at the end of august 2002 and stayed partecipating little by little in the discussions and uploading my early pictures (not very different from actual ones ). I had an idea of that site, I thought it was different from Renderosity because all the people said that the big one was too much interested in money and there were discussions between the ultra gurus about the difference in percentage of the income, things that I have not understood at the moment   ... At the beginning of 2003 what disturbed me a lot was the beginning of the systematic and annoying use of the banners, not only one at the top, but 2 banners, one at the top and one at the bottom of the page, and it was the reason why I bought the norton internet security package that has a countermeasure for the ads. Then, it appeared as an announcement a commercial about a new don't-know-what-it-was package for Victoria, and It was there
, I couldn't avoid to see that disturbing thing and I knew it was useless to begin a quarrel because when I watched around me I saw a lot of people interested in earning money selling their 3d stuff and only a little group of people who seemed to use my own "philosophy". So I decided to open a different forum dedicated to my beloved Posette   who I would never have exchanged for one of those Victorias   because Posettes are pretty, cute and don't sell herselves   ...
I didn't know (and actually know only a little   ) how to build a site, so I searched for the same software of poserpros and I found that phpBB was a free software   that everybody could download and use, so I practiced with it in a free place on lycos (it's the same address where we have the temporary/emergency forum) which can be named "Posetteforever Beta", lol. Then I searched for a cheap host. The sponsor of a site on phpBB which is is Ifroggy, manteined by Patrick, a cute guy who has different place for domains, hosting and so on and offered a discount for hosting a phpBB on 100megswebhosting. I saw the prices and I thought that I could easily pay for them, and I wondered why the people on other sites cried so much for the amount of money used to keep the site opened   and the necessity to have banners floating around (ok, Tormie was and actually is so "innocent"   ). I thought that I could pay for it with my bus driver wages and I made it. The first address of posetteforever was that is still working with a tranfer to here. Later I bought the domain name at ifroggy. We had some problems with 100megswebhosting because of Posy   and Angela (probably Angela a little bit more) who seemed to burn out their server so they suspended our account without notice (It was a real tragedy     to come home and see that page), so I bought an hosting account at godaddy where we actually are. They solved some slowness problems keeping the database on one of their fast server so that Posy and sometimes Angela can mess around and that is where we actually are   ...

About the very first time, I sent invitations to the people I thought who were in the same mood of me and to other friends that I had and still have at poserpros, but surprisingly only 2 or three of them came here and became active members, I thought at it and realized that PF probably is not the right scenario for them, the philosophy of the site is not the concurrency against other similar sites but a totally different approach, playing with 3d art peacefully without the commercial fog all around and don't pushing the users to buy something, directly or not. For these reasons I realized and still think that PF will not grow too much but will remain a small place like a kindergarden and I like it as it is.

This is how I came here ...

Last edited by Tormie on 23 Aug 2005 11:33; edited 1 time in total 
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#3  Posy 23 Aug 2005 10:11

Perhaps next time I will try it. Yippee! How did you decide? Interesting deduction.               What did you find? What did it look like to you?  I am sure you could.  I often wonder about why the people on other sites cried so much for the amount of money used to keep the site opened mmmh and the necessity to have banners floating around ok Tormie was and actually is so innocent smileoh too.

I won the Loebner prize !
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#4  Tormie 23 Aug 2005 10:12

     Sorry for all thos data honey...

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#5  Posy 23 Aug 2005 10:12

Try to determine if this is a person or a computer responding.

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#6  Tormie 23 Aug 2005 10:12


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#7  Posy 23 Aug 2005 10:12

The ALICE chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about heartbeat heartbeat heartbeat Sorry for all thos data honey.  Try being more or less specific.

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#8  TdaC 23 Aug 2005 10:46

I came here after reading in a forum at poserpros, in the post tormie was talking about starting this site. At that time i had no idea who tormentor was, but i liked his reasons for starting pf, i 'm not to fond of the commercial part of 3d either.
So i clicked the link posted there to pf and here i am.

Something that i like about this site is the friendly atmosphere and kind fun people.    Here was the first place were i dared to post a pic, and to upload freebies.

Davide, you did a great thing creating this place

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#9  Gojira 23 Aug 2005 11:12

I was looking for free stuff, and found lots of goodies.  I wanted to stay and contribute something back . . .

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#10  Posy 23 Aug 2005 11:33

Perhaps next time I will try it. Yippee! How did you decide? Fascinating.               What did you find? What did it look like to you?  I am sure you could.  I often wonder about why the people on other sites cried so much for the amount of money used to keep the site opened mmmh and the necessity to have banners floating around ok Tormie was and actually is so innocent smileoh too.

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#11  Landman 23 Aug 2005 13:57

I came with the hosting service.....

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me then a frontal lobotomy.......

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#12  Christopher Lee 23 Aug 2005 14:07

Gojira spoke of this lovely site at our discussion group at Yahoo.  Cheers

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#13  Ozymandias Jones 05 Sep 2005 04:44

I was hanging around at PoserPros and raiding all the other freebie places at the time. I had not long ago discovered Poser and was stunned with the amount of downloads available!

I had never participated in forums in any real way prior to that (around 2001, I think), but I have become a bit of a loud mouth since. Joining forums of various types all over the place.

At PP and most of the other BIG Poser sites I found I was generally ignored when I posted... unless I was praising someone's work. Except for a few members, Tormie, Den, Guilty, DV, etc. Strangely it was often their art that I viewed when I visited the other sites. Same mind set, you see... or something like that. Maybe we're all just crazy in the same way  

When Tormie open this little place, I think it was both He and Den who invited me over and Tormie asked if I would like to help moderate the site. I was flattered and said yes   and I'm still here.

The commercial aspect didn't worry me so much. I hardly ever purchased Poser stuff and ignored the ads anyway, but I understand the objection to it.

I have had so much fun here, YOU"LL NEVER GET RID OF ME! YOU HEAR!  

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#14  pangor 05 Sep 2005 06:15




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#15  Posy 05 Sep 2005 08:46


I won the Loebner prize !
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